Thursday, June 30, 2011

Perspective: the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to convey the impression of height, width, depth, and relative distance

As comfortable as I am with taking portraits of either myself or of other people, I do like tickling the shutter button for other subjects from time to time. I really like capturing unique perspectives or different angles that we humans do not see very much on a daily basis. I have always had a hard time taking a simple, straight on picture. Either the subject needs to make the picture stand out or my interpretation of the capturing of the subject needs to go one step further. My concept is hard to explain in words, so please refer to the visual examples below:
Image from a wedding I shot 2 years ago - A fun and different way to capture the details of a wedding and the personality of the people involved.
A capture of some blossoms at Red Rocks.  I took this image looking above with a Canon 50 mm 1.8 lens.

As you can see, I love animal pictures as well.  Not only are animals challenging, but they have their own level of expression and personality.

Black and white images still have that magic of creating a story out of your pictures.  Couple that with a sweet perspective and your photography will really have good story telling skills.
Sometimes to make an awesome image, you have to get your knees a little dirty!

The most simple subjects can be your most powerful images if you just change the angle of where you take the picture.
Everyday, ordinary things become more dynamic if you just change your shooting perspective.

As you can see, an image that shows a different view than what you would normally see in everyday life is so eye-catching, it causes the viewer to stop, examine the image and make the brain think about how the image is being represented. 
Fortunately now, I have a Canon 60D which has a unique pop-out and swivel LCD screen.  Before I had to put my camera in a funky angle and pray that I would get the shot I wanted if I couldn't look through the view-finder.  Now with the new screen option and live-view, I can get my shot the way I want it with fewer "point n' prays"!
The next time you take a "simple" picture, take another picture of the same subject and do something to add more personality or depth to that subject.  You might be suprised at how more interesting your photography can become!

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